Perseus and the Graiai. With the challenge from King Polydectes, Perseus was started on a mission to slay the Gorgon Medusa. Medusa was one of the three Gorgons, sisters who were known for their hair made of venomous snakes and who could turn men to stone with just a single look. Andromeda the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, she is said to be very beautiful and is a hapless victim in this story. So, one day, King Polydectes decided to send Perseus on a very dangerous mission in an attempt to get rid of him. Perseus Was the Son of Zeus and Danae. He wanted to marry her, but first he decided that he must eliminate Perseus. however, was detained in Seriphos by storms, and during that time Polydectes died. Polydectes is an antagonist because he sent Perseus on a suicide mission to kill Medusa thinking he would never be successful at it. As an infant he was cast into the sea in a chest with his mother by Acrisius, to whom it had been prophesied that he would be killed by his grandson. How is the prophecy of Apollos oracle-that Perseus will kill his grandfather- eventually made true? Perseus, in Greek mythology, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. the gorgons head. The fisherman was the brother of King Polydectes, who was a malicious king. Wiki User. Why did the evil King send Perseus on a quest? This essay describes the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur. He turns him to stone. Perseus would grow into a strong young man with great power and intelligence. Under the pretence that he was going to marry Hippodamia, he ordered every man in Seriphos to supply him with suitable gifts. Perseus, in Greek mythology, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. Answer: A perilous and dangerous adventure was suggested to Perseus by king polydectes. Wiki User. C. King Polydectes is jealous of him Perseus and Danae didn't like that idea and King Polydectes didn't want Perseus, Danae's son, to stay with them. Polydectes And Perseus. Luckily they reached the island of Seriphos where the king Polydectes offered them hospitality and protection. The idea was to send Perseus to get Medusa's horrifying head which was covered with masses of hissing snakes. Perseus, however, objected to the marriage, and Polydectes devised a way to get rid of him for good. The Perseus Series: The Death of Medusa I, Edward Burne-Jones, 1882, Southampton City Art Gallery.. At his older ages, he was an honorable king and a good husband to Andromeda whom he rescued from the sea monster. Search: Swbst Worksheet. Copy. He hoped that Perseus would die. Search: Lilith Meditation. marry Danae: Who interfered with King Polydectes in his quest to marry Danae: Perseus: What did King Polydectes do to get rid of Perseus? He unveils the head of Medusa and turns her gaze towards King Polydectes, because even in death Medusa's gaze can turn things to stone. when perseus was born, how did King Acrisius try to outwit fate? Ancient Greek Coins, Ancient Greek Coins, Attica, Athens (c 30pm Monday to Friday Athena jug with stock head I just bought this thing and I bought it t night, first mistake New Head of School 21-22 1 The Blood of Olympus 3 The Trials of Apollo 3 1 The Blood of Olympus 3 The Trials of Apollo 3. King Polydectes true motive was intended to harm Perseus when he sent him to kill Medusa because he wants to marry Danae forcefully, Perseus mother. Tel : 951-245-2660 Fax : 951-245-2622 From 8 It will be the key to your success Safety with one push She wears an Attic helmet of the single, low-crested type, adorned with a decorative frontlet whose side elements fall She wore an aegis, a goatskin shield which had a fringe of snakes She wore an aegis, a goatskin shield which had a fringe of snakes. Perseus was secretly raised on the island and became a courageous young man. Medusa was a fearsome creature, with snakes instead of hair, and she turned into stone anyone who would look into her eyes. Perseus was furious at Polydectes' action since his absence. What is the name of the mythical creature that Perseus is jumping towards? In order to prevent this prophecy from happening, Acrisius did which TWO things? The king had an idea. Answer: King Polydectes true motive was intended to harm Perseus when he sent him to kill Medusa because he wants to marry Danae forcefully, Perseus mother. Locked his daughter in an underground room; Put his daughter and his grandson in a chest and tossed it into the ocean. Danae did not want this, and Perseus protected her from the kings advances. After beheading Medusa, Perseus uses her head to turn the Titan Atlas, the sea monster Cetus, and King Polydectes of Seriphos to stone. The idea was to send Perseus to get Medusa's horrifying head which was covered with masses of hissing snakes. Polydectes, who was trying to woo Danae, thought Perseus a nuisance, so he sent Perseus on an impossible quest: to bring back the head of Medusa. Wiki User. Perseus accepts, and although the mission is extremely dangerous, he succeeds with the help of the gods. Search: Athena Heads. Search: Athena Heads. He was helped by Hermes . What is the purpose of Perseus mission? My mom once said, Whatever damage you have caused to someone mentally or physically, will come down on you twice as hard. Careful not to make the mistake of looking in her eyes, Perseus used the reflection of his polished shield to make his way over to her, where he easily cut off her head. The king of Seriphos, Polydectes, has heard of the beauty of Danae and wants her as his concubine. Have Perseus defeat Medusa. Search: Athena Heads. During the funeral gaines the wind carried a disk thrown by Perseus against the head of Acrisius, and killed him, whereupon Perseus proceeded to Argos and took possessions of the kingdom of his grandfather (Hygin. Search: Athena Heads. All your self-care essentials, all in one spot Contact Us 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX E : [email protected] The coins of Athens and Corinth illustrate an interesting technical distinction: heads and tails or obverse and reverse (Athena head left) This is the story of the entrepreneur Giovanni Mancassola and his The installation is very easy: simply apply the It is Polydectes who demands that Perseus bring him back the head of Medusa, hoping that Perseus will die during the quest. 5 But, according to the common story, Polydectes, king of The true motive of Polydectes in sending Perseus to kill Medusa is to get rid of him so he can marry his mother Danae. The Greek myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece is one of the oldest myths of a heros quest. 6.he is a good figther. Refusing to believe the story of Perseus conceiving, the king locked Danae and the future hero in a large wooden chest and had the chest thrown into the vicious sea. She is an actress, known for (2010), Fetish (2008) and Point&Shoot (2004) jpg 2,322 4,128; 1 MB Arachne was a gifted weaver She is fierce and brave in battle but, only wars to defined the state and home Perseus was also thought to be a very good son, helping his mother to adjust to her new island and keeping her away from a greedy king Polydectes. Athena is a Greek goddess Be one with nature Relive the secrets of the ancients with pure natural products Grey( D)] Meet Athena Coustenis, head of planetary research in Paris by Zeus Athenas shield: 15 feet in diameter and has a symbolic meaning of protection of Athens people by Zeus Athenas shield: 15 feet in diameter 2011-10-05 21:44:41. 4.polydictys true motive is perseus will be killed because he got jealous from danae because dane loved perseus. Therefore, Polydectes hatched a plot to get him out of the way. Effects of the Transcendental Meditation practice on child development Effects of the Transcendental Meditation practice on promoting healthy aging As a CHP major, you will learn how EEG research can be used to test theoretical concepts and give insight into your own questions about the inner working of the brain while meditating, performing Primary If not because of Perseus, he would have married Danae by force, so he plotted a plan to get rid of Perseus. monster with serpents for for hair with wings and claws and big teeth. Modified 3 years, 11 months ago. His friends were to provide horses but Perseus failed to bring any, so Pol Andromeda the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, she is said to be very beautiful and is a hapless victim in this story. He fell in love with Dana when Dictys saved her and her son Perseus. SURVEY . To preview this answer key, click on the File menu and select Print Preview The comprehension questions can be used as a story test or as a learning activity for students as they read the story Sci - have supplies and research ready at your desk for class tomorrow Unlike all the other Moomin books, which were novels, this is a collection of Luckily they reached the island of Seriphos where the king Polydectes offered them hospitality and protection. how did Perseus overcome to gorgon? Also to know is, what happened to Polydectes in the end? Fab. King Polydectes suggested Perseus undertake a dangerous and perilous adventure. 30 seconds . C. To go to a war and defeat the enemy of their kingdom. Perseus reluctantly agreed, although he had no idea what to do. The adventure that King Polydectes suggested to Perseus King Polydectessuggested Perseus undertake a dangerous and perilous adventure. A dangerous and perilous adventure where he needs to cut off Medusas head. King Polydectestold Perseusthat cutting off Medusas head would bring him the glory and greatest fame. Hermes. It begins when Jasons Uncle Pelias kills Jasons father, the Greek King of - 4881834 karyannemanoban18 karyannemanoban18 17.10.2020 English Senior High School answered Why did Polydectes Send Perseus On a Mission? Leaving Andromeda with his mother and went out alone to seek and confront Polydectes in the palace. What did the soothsayer theoclymenos say concerning the fate of the wooers. His name was King Polydectes. After the death of his grandfather, Perseus and Andromeda travelled to Tiryns. What is the purpose of Perseus mission? Perseus, old enough by the time, was very protective of his mother and would not allow Polydectes near her. Search: Athena Heads. If not because of Perseus, he would have married Danae by force, so he plotted a plan to get rid of Perseus. Dictys Possibly guided by the gods, the chest eventually arrived safely to the island of Seriphos, which was ruled by the relatively just king Polydectes. Sent Perseus to kill Medusa; Begged his father Zeus to overrule the Fates. Explanation: B. The true motive of Polydectes in sending Perseus to kill Medusa is to get rid of him so he can marry his mother Danae. In Greek mythology, King Polydectes was the ruler of the island of Seriphos and was the brother of dictys. The king threw a banquet and said that every honorable guest should bring a horse as a gift. Search: Athena Heads), Tetradrachm, 16 Nymph 2: The final thing you need is Heracles used the lock in his battle against Lacedaemon, gifting the lock of hair to Sterope, daughter of Cepheus, to protect her home town Rev: Owl standing right, head facing Athena assisted many of the Greek heroes in their quests including Perseus, Hercules, Odysseus and Jason Athena assisted The king had an idea. Like in the story, Polydectes tried to trick Perseus to go fight one of the most hardest creatures to fight alone. At the banquet, the king and nobles did not believe that Perseus was successful in his quest and returned with head of Medusa. He really likes Danae but she rejected the king so he almost married Danae forcefully if not for Perseus so. while other versions of the myth send Perseus on a dangerous quest to keep him from overpowering the king. That was the main reason why the king tried to send Perseus away. When Perseus went searching for Medusa's secret hiding place there came two gods. Perseus had no horse and so could not fulfil the requirement. He devised a plan where he proclaimed that he not like anything more than to have Medusa's What is the purpose of Perseus mission? Athena then punished her for desecrating her sacred space by cursing Medusa with a head full of snakes and a gaze that turns men to stone.Then, a heroic Perseus severed the serpent-headed Medusa, turning her into a trophy. Perseus was secretly raised on the island and became a courageous young man. So, Polydectes asked Perseus to bring him the seemingly impossible the severed head of the Gorgon Medusa. Add an answer. Polydectes is Dictys's brother, and the king of the island where Perseus and Danae were washed up. 2013-10-04 01:25:32. Perseus is sent to kill the Gorgon Medusa. 2014-06-04 23:38:19. Acrisius and Polydectes are antagonists of Perseus because Acrisuis tried to kill Perseus and his mother indirectly by placing them in a chest and casting it into the sea.Polydectes is an antagonist because he sent Perseus on a suicide mission to kill Medusa thinking he would never be successful at it. King Acrisius of Argos had only one child, a daughter, Danae King Acrisius of Argos had only one child, a daughter, Danae. So, Polydectes devised a plan; he invited some friends for dinner, and asked them what gift they would bring him if he was ever to ask for one. Perseus answered that if it was necessary, he would bring the head of Medusa, the Gorgon, to him; Medusa was a fearsome monster, who turned to stone anyone who would be unlucky to stare her in the eyes. According to a later or Italian tradition, the chest was carried to the coast of Italy, where king Pilumnus married Dana, and founded Ardea; 4 or Dana is said to have come to Italy with two sons, Argus and Argeus, whom she had by Phineus, and took up her abode on the spot where Rome was afterwards built. What did King Polydectes want to do? The Medusa we know was raped by Poseidon in the goddess Athena's temple. See answer (1) Best Answer. The story of Andromedas myth is part of the story of Perseus quest to kill Medusa.Perseus the son of Zeus and Danae had sworn to bring Medusas head as a gift to the marriage of the king of Seriphos, Polydectes. Perseus (Greek: ), the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty of Danaans, was the first hero.Perseus beheaded the Gorgon Medusa and saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. King Polydectes. Polydectes suggests to Perseus that he kills the gorgon Medusa, the only one of the Gorgons that was mortal. Cassiopeia She was the wife of Cepheus. Perseus may not know that King Polydectes sent him off on a suicide mission in order to be alone with Danae, but once Perseus finds out, he's not happy. Q. File:Medusa2.0.jpg. 67in White Marble & Alabaster Handmade Statue in Greece GreekStatuesGallery From shop GreekStatuesGallery A good self-starter, she works well with her team to develop public relations strategies, solutions and offer expert advice Sometimes known as Pallas Athena, she is the goddess of wisdom as well as war, and the patron of crafters, Perseus set off to find Medusa without suspecting anything. Search: Athena Heads. Arcisius, Perseus' grandfather, had asked an oracle if he would ever have any kids; the answer he got was shocking and led him to live in a life of paranoia. A dangerous and perilous adventure where he needs to cut off Medusas head. But fearing the protective wrath of her son, he sends Perseus on a suicide mission. 5. He wanted to get rid of Perseus so he could marry Dana. D. To search for a new kingdom to be conquered. Search: Athena Heads. Also Know, why did King Polydectes send Perseus to kill Medusa? 2014-06-04 23:38:19. Why did Polydectes Send Perseus On a Mission? However, as he grew older Perseus became an obstacle to the designs King Polydectes (or Polydektes) had on Danae, and the king began to look for ways to rid himself of the youth. The myth of Theseus and the Minotaur describes Theseus's journey to Crete to free Athens from a commitment to send young people to Minos's Knossos, where they were fed to the Minotaur. To make Perseus famous in their kingdom. How did Perseus get revenge on King Polydectes for taking his mother? King Polydectes needed a way to rid himself of Perseus so that he could get to Danae. He was sent to complete a dangerous mission. B. It is a classic story of betrayal and vengeance and like many Greek myths has a tragic ending. King Polydectes told Perseus that cutting off Medusas head would bring him the glory and greatest fame. New Zealand designed showers : Athena ATHENE (Athena) was the Olympian goddess of wisdom and good counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and various other crafts Grey( D)] Marble Head of Athena By: McKenna Giberson Media Made from pentelic marble all one color, no striations Hearing the news but not believing that Zeus was the father of the newborn, Acrisius let his daughter and grandchild out to the open sea on an ark. Athena wears an unusual, cross-slung aegis decorated with the Gorgon's head See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Athenas connections and jobs at similar companies 6 EcoBoost Turbo Athena MLS Head Gasket New Zealand designed showers On April 21, 1996, in the middle of the night, five Haverford students nabbed 200-pound Athena Lemnia* from the corner of Answer (1 of 3): He wanted Perseus gone permanently so he could marry Danae Polydectes, the brother of Dictys and king of Seriphos, desired Perseus's mother Danae. Dictys was the brother of King Polydectes. This answer is: Perseus and Danae didn't like that idea and King Polydectes didn't want Perseus, Danae's son, to stay with them. Hence, Perseus was born. To revenge other warriors for their defeat. the settings the gorgons head the journey of perseus island of argos island of an encounter with seraphos hermes and athena (end of the earth) land of the land of the land of the gray gorgons nymphs women Why did polydectes want to kill perseus? The adventure included cutting of medusa's head which was very dangerous since Medusa was a gorgon and cutting gorgon's head could be fatal but this was suggested to pursue used because the king wanted to get rid of him. The King wished to court Danae, but Perseus did not want that for his mother and he therefore became an obstacle for the king. To look for the treasure left by King Acrisius. Fits: Yamaha YZ 125 1997-2013; Kawasaki KX 125 2003-2007 He turned the king to stone with Medusa's head and then gave the head to Athena It gives weight to the vague Gnosticism 0 16v F4R (Including Turbo) Athena MLS Head Gasket 123 Medusa's Gaze was a power that was given to Medusa's Gaze was a power that was given to. Why did Athena punish Medusa? The Gorgons are three sisters too terrifying to behold. Perseus the son of Zeus and all round talented warrior who is comes to wield the head of Medusa. Search: Athena Heads. AN ANCIENT GREEK DANCE Perseus had to fetch the head of the Gorgon Medusa whose head could turn anyone who looked at it into stone. A. Dana refused to the safety of the sanctuary. I really like dragons and furry Like if someone tried to use Zeus's thunderbolts against him; I don't think it would work since they are his She is an actress, known for (2010), Fetish (2008) and Point&Shoot (2004) Fits: Yamaha YZ 125 1997-2013; Kawasaki KX 125 2003-2007 1 Level 1 4 1 Level 1 4. Perseus was eventually overheard boasting about his physical strength, saying that he could single-handedly kill the dreaded His father was Greek god Zeus, and his mother was Danae, a beautiful mortal princess. Hercules. As King Polydectes ordered the near-impossible task that Perseus bring him the head of Medusa, Perseus dedicated himself to fulfilling the demand to save his mother. As the son of Zeus, Perseus had help from the gods during his journey to find Medusa. In a moment of total awesomeness, Perseus hands over Medusa's head to Polydectes, just like he asked for. After Perseus had grown up on the island Polydectes fell in love with Dana when she and her son Perseus were saved by his brother Dictys (see: Acrisius). Perseus then gives the head of the Gorgon to the goddess Athena, who places it on her shield. on what mission did Polydectes send Perseus? That was the main reason why the king tried to send Perseus away. To prove his bravery. 1. polydectys suggest perseus to killed medusa 2.perseus encountred a 3 gray women,he fight the monsters,and he fight all his enemy in argos. The king is turned to stone and Danae is safe. To help the gods. The Early Greek world and Greek Myths . 6. 3.the oracle was fullfilled because it is the god said. 5.because medusa is a monster. An opportunity arose when Perseus rashly boasted he could slay the dreaded Gorgon Medusa, whose stare could instantly turn men to stone. to bring him the head of Medusa. 63). He was either the son of Magnes and an unnamed naiad, Peristhenes and Why did King Polydectes send Perseus to a dangerous mission? Polydectes is the King of Seriphus, who decides he wants to get it on with Perseus' mother, Danae. world of tanks blitz cross platform switch / opinion about the traits of king polydectes brainly. His brother was Dictys and, Dictys had saved Danae and Persues. King Polydectes had proposed a "fake" marriage to rid of Perseus so he could marry Perseus's mother. ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY . Perseus, the mortal son of Zeus and the Argive princess Danae, was a Greek hero, king, and slayer of monsters. King Polydectes was the ruler of the island of Seriphos. answer choices . Cepheus the king of Joppa and quite a weak willed individual. Theseus succeeded, with help from the gods via Ariadne. He was sent to complete a dangerous mission. They eventually came to the shores of Serifos island, where they were saved and adopted by a local couple, the man being the brother of the king of the island, Polydectes. After he and his mother were exiled from their homeland, Perseus was raised on a remote island where he grew up protecting his mother from the cruel King Polydectes. He asked Perseus to go and kill the Medusa monster and bring back its head as proof he had succeeded. What help did Perseus get on his quest? Ancient Etruria com, added March 5th, 2018 Martha @ Athena's Head on October 3, 2013 at 8:11 am said: Michael, its great to hear your perspective on what SRAs meant to you as a reader 1 Gynoid Agent: Extremely rare drop from the boss Boson or rare drop from the boss Zarpedon 2 Athena: Default Head 3 Bounty Hunter: Side Mission "The Voyage See more In order to take Perseus away, he sends it to a very dangerous mission. whose help did Perseus win? However, Perseus, being poor, did not bring anything, so Polydectes ordered him to bring the head of the Gorgon Medusa. When Perseus went searching for Medusa's secret hiding place there came two gods. Polydectes declared he was marrying someone else and demanded wedding gifts (horses). For much more on Perseus, click here. mythology test Learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. Polydectes, in contrast to Dictys, was cruel and ruthless, and one day he fell in love with Danae. Wiki User. A statue of Perseus holding Medusa's head. answer choices. by anne terry white mrs. shiela f. adia characters perseus king acrisius king polydectes danae dictys andromeda the gorgons head. If not because of Perseus, he would have married Danae by force, so he plotted a plan to get rid of Perseus. Viewed 382 times. How does Perseus get revenge on King Polydectes for persecuting his mother and his beloved protector, Dictys? Who is the protagonist in Medusa? Score: 4.7/5 (61 votes) . Perseus the son of Zeus and all round talented warrior who is comes to wield the head of Medusa. Q. Medusa. Perseus managed to slay Medusa by looking her reflection on his shield, and returned to Seriphos. Tags: Question 6 . This mission really Cepheus the king of Joppa and quite a weak willed individual. Cassiopeia She was the wife of Cepheus. Acrisius. Angry, Polydectes responded by trying to send Perseus away from the island in shame. Search: Athena Heads. Tapestry showing Zeus and Danae (From the series The Story of Perseus), Flanders, around 1525-50, image courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The Medusa was a hideous monster with bronze wings, claw-like hands, tusks for teeth, and live snakes for hair. Minerva. The true motive of Polydectes in sending Perseus to kill Medusa is to get rid of him so he can marry his mother Danae. Perseus boasted that he would bring him Medusa's head (didn't have horses) [Perseus' Quest] Athena (still hated Medusa) told Perseus to go to Graiae for aid Graiae ("grey haired women") were offspring of Phorcys and Ceto and shared a single eye and tooth Athena was the patron goddess of the ancient Greek city of Athens Compare teams statistics Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online Win More Orders With Our INDUSTRY-LEADING LOW PRICES - Athena's Athena led Perseus to the Graeae, who in turn led Perseus to the Hesperides, a group of nymphs who would offer him gifts to help in his quest. Perseus was the son of the mortal Dana and the god Zeus.He was also the great grandfather of Herakles, Polydectes made Perseus promise that he would bring the head of Medusa to him. Perseus was conceived under unlikely circumstances. Perseus was the son of Zeus and Dana, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos. Perseus had to fetch the head of the Gorgon Medusa whose head could turn anyone who looked at it into stone.
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what mission did king polydectes send perseus on?